"Memory" 31st March 2020

Jackie, a friend I will miss very much. She was always kind and fun to be with. Jackie always had a smile to greet you with, and we as a family, remember her for that smile. We met when we joined Ladies Circle in about 1987. At our first meeting there were Jackie Rita and myself, all new recruits, and not knowing any one else, we sat together, and that meeting forged a long and happy friendship. We had so many fun and exciting adventures together. Ladies Circle events, Summer Balls and the food preparation in people's kitchens. The Beaujolais Lunches. Our Phellonist Wine Group..... we all enjoyed discovering different wines, and their matching foods. A major part of our travelling Fun was with Jackie & Gareth, Jan & Barry, and ourselves, Richard & Faith, as we followed Richard during his Marathon Runs. We visited Paris, Rome and New York as a group. We dressed up in Union Jack flags and hats, so we could cheer on the runners, and Gareth cleverly made an extending Flag Pole (which had to be packed into their suitcase..... and was nearly confiscated in the US)! so we could easily be seen by the runners. Dashing about from place to place on the NY underground or the Paris metro was all part of the excitement. More recently, Jackie & Gareth joined with us to visit Japan. It was somewhere that she had always wanted to visit having heard her fathers accounts of the country when he was there just after the Second World War. We tried all kinds of funny foods....sushi and raw fish dishes with wasabi were just some that she decided were not her 'cup of tea'!! And the tea ceremony where we had to kneel on the floor, and dressing up in kimonos and dressing up to do Taiko Drumming. We had a great holiday. And Jackie insisted that we had to fly Premium Economy too! Lately, we met for lunches and coffees to keep up to date with each other. I shall really miss those meetings, and Jackie's lovely smile as we greeted each other. Faith and Richard Ransom