"Memory" 31st March 2020

There are so many memories of Jackie, having known her since I was 4 after becoming friends with Clare on the first day of primary school meant Jackie was like my second mum! A couple of memories which really stick with me are; The birthday parties Clare and I shared - both being born in August meant we had the summer holidays to have our party, and one year Jackie made us the most amazing pink Roller Skate cake – with red liquorice wheels! I can remember hurting myself while Clare and I were putting up posters on the corkboard in Clare’s bedroom as I put my flat hand down onto the up turned drawing pins, I ran downstairs crying and can remember Jackie pulled them all out for me, really carefully calling me ‘Poppet’ as she did so. A completely different reaction when Clare and I were strictly told by mum not to go onto the building site which was St James’ Court but we couldn’t resist the ‘icebergs’, only to lose Clare 6ft under a waterlogged manhole!! I can remember trying to dry Clare off in the garage with old rags until you were so cold, I had to tell mum!!! ☺ Then as we were slightly older – the annual weekend trip to Center Parcs (just the best!). We must have been teenagers at this point as can remember mum and Jackie getting tipsy, putting on Sarah and Laura’s new Roller Blades (bought back from America) to come and join us walking back from the Dome!!! Hilarious. Too many holidays to mention, caravan park holidays, trips to Florida etc.! Probably the funniest memory for me was in America, poor Jackie every morning packing up her bags (snacks for the kids, sun cream etc.) then having to carry the bloody massive video camera around all day. The only thing Gareth had to carry was his panama hat yet he hated carrying it, so often Jackie would end up carrying that around as well. Gareth saying “Jack, Jack, can you take this for me”!!! Mum and Jackie buying matching Renault Espaces in different colours, just to take us all to school! All of the weddings we have shared – Jackie being one of the first up on the dance floor. Very special times, a lifetime of fond memories which I will always remember. xxx Emma Cater (Dillon)